Sunday, December 27, 2009

Temple Square

i took these beautiful pictures
i love this one
Christian was SSOO exited to go to temple square
so was Benjamen
Evan was also happy to go i couldent get a picture of Alex but he was happy to go to
this is alex he i so cute
evens silly face
pretty lights
cool picture that filled the building with the spirit
this was the biggest statue there. it was super cool
very cold in temple square it was nice to go in side
we were all very tired

Friday, December 25, 2009


tay also came!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is Alex (or aliish in gibberish) with his marshmallow gun but instead of blowing out the "shmellos" his deep breath poped them in his mouth ate them !!!!!!
ben and his brothers got a nature kit with a compass, journal, pocket knife, and a whistle :(
this is cuzin evan he and his twin alex have there own language that not many speak its called gibberish
my sister Mckenna got a big play set and my cuzin posed for me and i know this is from cristmas but i just got my pictures on the computer

my sister also got a tarantula it walks and scares my two little cuzins

i got great present for cristmas like clothes and candy and a camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

My B-day Party

keli and destiny
Emma gave me a poodle bank
color me mine my favorite b day party